The South, 20th Century and Beyond

50 Essential Books

Southern Reader's Guide

Clyde N. Wilson

The fourth and final installment of Dr. Clyde N. Wilson’s Southern Reader’s Guides distills more than a half century of scholarship into identifying and describing 50 essential books on the topic of the 20th Century South and Beyond. Dr. Wilson, Emeritus Distinguished Professor of History of the University of South Carolina, was editor of the highly-praised Papers of John C. Calhoun and is the author or editor of more than 20 other books, and over 700 articles, essays, and reviews in a variety of books and journals, scholarly and popular. He is considered by many to be the greatest living historian of the South. If you want to understand the Modern South without wasting your time on 3rd string authors and the p.c. infected pseudo-history coming out of the modern academy, there is no greater guide than Dr. Wilson.

“I really enjoyed this! Wilson is a great guide to this literature. Reading this is like going to a bookstore with a wonderfully informed, witty old friend. Just be careful! You might—like me—end up buying several more books from his list.” — Reader Review, The Old South: 50 Essential Books

Wilson is brilliant as always, and independent of the PC reductionist history of today.” — Reader Review, The War Between the States: 60 Essential Books

One good thing about books by Clyde Wilson: You KNOW they are highly credible sources. This book list by this distinguished professor emeritus of History and author, is extremely valuable for all students and scholars.” — Reader Review, Reconstruction and the New South: 50 Essential Books

Paperback ISBN: 978-1947660489

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